Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Two Years is a Long Time...

Well, ok then.

You know, I've had this nagging feeling in the back of my ... back ... urging me to write again.  I keep thinking I'll do it some more. Actually I've started a few blogs only to leave them languishing, worrying about what I should put in them, whether I should have one general one, specific ones tailored to different goals in my life, ones for travel, ones I will keep private and ones I will share, and finally it has just gotten to the point where I can't care anymore. I just need to write. So here I go.

I looked back and realized it's been two years since I blogged regularly.

Well to be honest, a lot has happened; and at the same time, nothing much has happened. I got back together with Collin, I moved to San Francisco, I got married to Collin, I lost my job (as anticipated), I was unemployed for several months, I got a job in a grocery store and worked there for a year and a half, I got promoted, I got demoted, I quit my job and got another job, and I got another job. In the meantime I've grown accustomed to life in San Francisco and am sad to say that I can't see ever moving back to the East Coast (especially and most sadly to NC, with the naughtiness being conducted currently by the NC General Assembly and its cronies). I've had an extremely stressful first year of marriage and come out on the other side, possibly (and bafflingly) even more in love with Collin than I was before.

Most sadly though, I've really been struggling with being socially isolated. I knew this was possible (likely) for me, due to my personality quirks (yes, let's call them personality quirks). However, I didn't realize how strongly it would hit me. I don't really have anyone to talk to anymore, except Collin. I love Collin and love talking to him but I know that it's not great to rely on one person for all my social needs. As an introvert, I don't really have many such needs, which made it easy to let those relationships slide. However, I realize now that it was not the best course of action.

So where does that leave me now? I have a few goals, and I'm excited to pursue them:

1) Get a job that is inspiring, satisfying, fulfilling, and challenging.
2) Lose fifteen pounds.
3) Get to the point where I'm doing yoga every day.
4) Cut down on video game playing to less than ten hours a week.
5) Write regularly: 2-3 times a week or more.
6) Make some new friends.
7) Start playing the piano again and learn to play the guitar (two-in-one big value special).
8) Have a cleaner apartment.
9) Have a baby. (Big one, lots of work to do before then, but why not dream big?)

To be fair, I've also completed a few goals that I want to brag about:

1) I've quit smoking. (This was kind of a freebie because I never really started again but I'm feeling generous so I'm including it.)
2) I got a real job, and then another real job on top of that one, and am doing pretty well in both (although feeling rather annoyed by both and itching for more).
3) I've lost 5-10 pounds, depending on the day.
4) I've quit drinking.
5) I've started doing yoga again.
6) I've started volunteering.
7) I've started getting acupuncture regularly.
8) I've survived the first year of marriage and come out happier than before.
9) I've started this blog. :-)

Right now I feel optimistic, enthusiastic, excited, and confident (mostly). Actually, that might just be the coffee. I should probably cut down on coffee but I'm trying not to be unreasonable (goals must be SMART, after all)!

I look forward to this new chapter of my life. There are so many things I want to write about; I'm very relieved to have the opportunity again. I might not write regularly, and I might not write frequently, but I'm going to try to just relax about it, and let this be a space where I can write when I need to, or when I want to. I don't need another thing to feel bad about so I'm going to try to just have this as a resource for myself. At the same time, I'm getting older, and my memory is getting less than sparkly, so I'm happy to have this as a place to record my memories for later (I'm definitely feeling the Memoir Bug).

Feel free to contact me and tell me how much you love me or want to talk. I need it. Otherwise, I'll just continue to talk here.


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