Sunday, July 28, 2013

But Seriously, Though

Today I volunteer at the Conservatory of Flowers, one of my favorite places in San Francisco. I shall spend all afternoon telling tourists how to find the butterflies and urging them not to miss the aquatic plants. The fact that I'm not paid, interestingly, makes me not mind dealing with the tourists. I find that aspect of volunteering fascinating and refreshing. It's like, knowing that I don't have to be there makes it feel like a gift I'm giving the organization, and the people, too. And there are so many wonderful people there that I always leave feeling about 10 pounds lighter and 6 months younger. Although that could also be all the extra oxygen I'm getting from standing in front of a wall of plants. LOVELY!

Another fun thing about Conservatory day is that Collin walks with me and we get a hot dog in the park. These days are always good for reminding me of how lucky I am to live in the best city on earth. Sorry if you're not here, but it really is.

A few weeks ago, there were some Morris Dancers just doing their thing(s). It was super. I thought, maybe that would be a fun way to meet people. Why not, right? At least it's a good excuse to be there "with bells on" (that's probably where the saying came from, actually)! I could learn more about my heritage, make friends, and get some exercise. Why not?

It's nice to know I have options.
One problem is that relying on public transportation causes everything to take twice as long, and driving directly home from something at 10 pm is a way different experience than taking a one-hour public transportation adventure involving trains, buses, and walks down dark streets with SF crazies in the middle of the night. Seriously. Not awesome.

What it feels like:

What it is actually like:

But, yeah. It's an option.

Charity :-)

1 comment:

  1. What I like about the muni video is that it's the "HIGH QUALITY ORIGINAL" version. I wouldn't have watched if it was some grainy knock-off crap. Accept no imitations!!!
